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The European Visit
Dates and Price List
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Dates (note dates for 2 month and 3 month visits start at the date specified at the beginning of the month ending on the last day for a total of 60 days and 90 days respectively)

August 6th Aug – 3rd  Sept FULLY BOOKED
September 4th Sep – 2nd Oct FULLY BOOKED
October 3rd Oct – 31st Oct  FULLY BOOKED
November 2nd Nov – 31st Nov (book early few places left)
December 5th Dec- 2nd Jan

Jan 8th Jan- 5th Feb
Feb 8th Feb – 8th Mar
Mar 10th Mar – 7th April
April 9th April – 7th May
May 10th May- 7th June (book early few places left)
June 9th June – 7th July (book early few places left)
July 9th Jul – 6th  Aug (book early few places left)
August 9th Aug – 6th Sept
September 8th Sept – 6th Oct
October 8th Oct – 5th Nov
November 8th Nov- 6th Dec
December 8th Dec- 5th Jan

1 month experience £2895

  • Self catering apartments for the duration of your stay 
  • 3 day 2 night European visit including accommodation and flights/trains
  • Airport transfers to and from your designated accommodation. (Airport transfers based on flights into the 3 London Airports; Gatwick, Heathrow and City)
  • 2 London attractions
  • Travel Card for duration of stay
  • London Guide book 
  • London advisors
  • 24 hour support line
  • Planned Itinerary
  • Welcome pack
  • Special welcome gift for 2008/09

2 month Experience £5790

  • Self catering apartment for the duration of your stay 
  • 3 day 2 night European visit Including accommodation and flights/trains
  • Airport transfers to and from your designated accommodation. (Airport transfers based on flights into the 3 London Airports; Gatwick, Heathrow and City)
  • 4  London attractions
  • Travel card for duration of stay
  • London Guide book 
  • London advisors
  • 24 hour support line
  • Planned Itinerary
  • Welcome pack
  • Special welcome gift for 2008/09

3 month Experience £8685

  • Self catering apartment for the duration of your stay
  • 3 day 2 night European visit Including accommodation and flights/trains
  • 3 day 2 night visit to Scotland
  • Airport transfers to and from your designated accommodation. (Airport transfers based on flights into the 3 London Airports; Gatwick, Heathrow and City)
  • 6 London attractions
  • Travel card 
  • London Guide book
  • London advisors
  • 24 hour support line
  • Planned Itinerary
  • Welcome pack
  • Special welcome gift for 2008/09

One to one language lessons £45 per hour 

Prices stay the same all year round


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