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The European Visit
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How are you able to offer this experience at such a reasonable price
Simple.  The London Experience have spent years developing contacts in the industry, we know who to go to for information and have developed a network of professionals who have helped us source competitive deals. We can then pass this saving onto you, the traveller, enabling you to come to London and enjoy the city at reasonable costs.  London is a notoriously expensive city to travel around and to visit.  We want to make London an affordable destination and a place where young people can come without the worry of budgeting.

What is the difference between self catering accommodation and hotels or hostels
Our self catering accommodation allows you to come and go as you please with the luxury of having your own room with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities.  The London Experience promotes independent living in the city to give you a feel of what living in London is really like. We advise you not to book hotel accommodation unless you want to view London from a tourist perspective and pay extortionate prices.  Remember that you can purchase affordable food at one of our supermarkets and we encourage you to cook for yourselves, not only is this a cheaper option, but it gives you the freedom to work around your budget.

It will be my first time in London/abroad what support do you offer.
Not only do we provide you with a 24 hour help line should you need us, but we also have London Advisors on hand to give you tips about living in the city.

Why are there so many personal questions on the application form
The questions we ask you are for the purpose of making your stay as comfortable as possible, we want to know as much about you, so we can ensure that we cater to as many of your needs as we can. Please be assured that we will never pass on your details to another party without your permission and all data is stored securely.

Will I need a separate visa for the European visit
This will very much depend on where in the world you are coming from, Please consult the British Embassy in your country.

Why do I have to book travel insurance
This is for your own protection, should anything go wrong we want you to have the peace of mind that you have insurance to back you up. Most people will come to London without there being any problems, but it’s always good to know that you have insurance just in case. We have partnered up with Endsleigh to offer a full travel insurance, you are however free to source your own insurance.  We will need you policy details before you arrive.

I want to book a language experience, but I am not sure of my level
We ask you to guess your level. We will assess your actual level when you arrive.

Will I have to share a room
No, not unless you specifically request this, however please note that this will not make a difference to the price.

I am coming on my own, what support do you offer?
We will endeavour to match you with people who have similar interests to yourself.

What is the difference in the accommodation styles that you offer
Our self contained apartments have their own kitchen and bathrooms.  Most of our apartments are built in blocks, so you will have your friends and other London Experience visitors close by.  All accommodation is clean and based in central and safe areas in London.

How does the whole system work, I mean how will I get my travel card mobile phone etc.
The London Experience look after you from the moment you touch down.  We have already arranged your transport based on the flight information you have given us.  Our team will take you directly to your accommodation.  You will receive you welcome pack at The London Experience Hub on day 2, giving you time to settle in and unpack.  At the Hub you will be presented with your travel card and attractions for the week, your mobile phone -if you have ordered one-, a map, attractions list, any numbers you can call for support,  the name of you London Advisor who will look after you for the duration of your stay, as well as your individual itinerary.  From that day you are free to explore the city at your own pace.  We will ensure that you are prepared for your European visit, as well as giving you important updates at different times during your stay.   

What about the Language Experience, how does this work.
The language experience is an additional add on to the service we offer, you can choose your own hours to suit your timetable and budget, we will then create an itinerary based around the complimentary attractions and European visit included in the price. We recommend 4 hours weekly to gain maximum benefit, but this is not compulsory. You are given the option to add your language experience in the booking process. If you do not wish to learn English whilst you are visiting simply select no in the appropriate question. All our language teachers are fully qualified and experienced. Add this to the fact that you will be living in London and practising your language skills on a daily basis we believe that you will be comfortable speaking English in a short time.

Can I extend my stay once I am in London
Again this would very much depend on your visa status.  If you have the correct paperwork, then there is no reason why we can not extend your visit.  If you decide you would like to do this speak with your London Advisor, or send us an email.

Can I work while I am here
Again, this would depend on your visa.  If you are allowed to work in the UK you are free to work whilst you are on our program

What do I need to bring
We recommend that you bring 4 passport size photographs of yourself, clothes suited to the season, enough money for food and essentials, as well as your money for transfers to and from the airport/station for your European visit.  Do not forget your travel insurance documentation.

What is not included in the program
The Language Experience is an additional service.  All lessons are chargeable and should be paid for in advance.  Transfers to the airport/station for your European visit are not included in the price (though flights/trains and your accommodation for the duration of your time in another European city are included). 

You also have the option to use a mobile which we supply.  This requires a £70 deposit fully refundable if phone is returned to us in good condition.  The phone comes with £10 complementary credit to get you started.

We are not young people or students can we still take advantage of your offers
Of course, London is for everyone, just let us know what your needs are and we will do our best to accommodate you. You should note that although we do not discriminate against anyone joining our programmes and encourage the young at heart to join us, a majority of our participants will be young people. 

We do not cater for anyone below the age of 18


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