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Making a Difference

The London Experience passionately believes that making a difference counts.  A percentage of all our profits go to chartable causes.  With so many different issues in the world, we think that it is important to take time to acknowledge and understand at a base level how we as a society can help.  One small step in the right direction can make a difference however big or small to an individual.  We particular lend our hand to charities who support children, women and the environment.

Help us make a difference.

Our charity partners can be supported in many different ways. Perhaps when you join one of our experiences you can donate a day of your time, or maybe you have some recyclable goods that could be given away. By simply booking with us you are indirectly giving to charity. We welcome all charities supporting the above causes. If you are a charity interested in becoming involved in our programme, please email us at charityfocus@londonexp.com. Whether you are a large established charity, or a smaller lesser known one, if you have a cause which you feel needs more attention, we can help.

We offer free advertising for charities on our website and in our promotional literature. Remember, we are an international organisation, so we have the means to spread your message worldwide. Register with us on our charity database, and we will let you know what we can do to help.


    ©2008 The London Experience. All rights reserved.