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We request that you fill out our booking form before you arrive, in this way, we can ensure that we have all your correct details.


You can pay via paypal
You can pay via direct money transfer. Both methods of payment are secure.

The London Experience is open and transparent in our terms and conditions; we would like you to note that there is a cancellation charge payable should you change your mind. We charge a 50% cancellations fee. We ask that you read the terms and conditions before you book.

Once you have booked you will receive a confirmation email.  We will confirm your booking details with the price and request your preferred method of payment. We will also be in contact with you to ensure that you have the adequate travel insurance, visas etc.  We will need to know your flight details so we can arrange for someone to pick you up upon arrival.  -If you do not have these details you are still able to book-

Please note that if you arrive before the start date, we will not be able to accommodate you.  It is important that you book your flight to arrive on or after the start date of your visit (please see dates and price list for further details.)

Please also note that we only have a certain amount of places available each month, please book early to avoid disappointment.

The booking form will open in a new window.  If you have any questions regarding your booking, or you do not understand the terms and conditions please do not hesitate to send us an email; enquiries@londonexp.com


    ©2008 The London Experience. All rights reserved.