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We are aware that students may want the additional benefit of learning English whilst they are visiting.  The London Experience offers one to one English lessons.  We have found that this is the best way to learn a language, and gives us the opportunity to create a tailor made language program specifically for you. Big classrooms full of students do not enable you to fully grasp a language. We have taken this into account and believe that one –one lessons are the best way to learn in a short space of time.  Our highly qualified language teachers use a system designed to improve your language skills in a short amount of time. 

We suggest a minimum of 4 hours a week to get up to scratch with the basics, whether you’re a beginner, improver or advanced, we can ensure that you make the most of your visit when you choose to add a language experience to your program.

Prices 1 hour £45

If you are unsure about your level, an initial assessment will be carried out in your first lesson.

You can add English lessons in the booking form.  Simply let us know how many lessons you would like to book and your estimated level.  We will then build this into the itinerary for you.

Example 1; 1 month Experience with 6 hours English tuition for the first 3 weeks and 4 hours for your last week.

Week 1 6 hours £270
Week 2 6 hours £270
Week 3 6 hours £270
Week 4 4 hours £180

Total £990

Example 2; 3 month Experience, no lessons in your first month 4 hours of one-one lessons for month 2 and 4 hours a week for month 3 for 3 weeks with 10 hours in your final week.

Month 1 No lessons
Month 2 Wk1 4 hours £180
Wk2 4 hours £180
Wk3 4 hours £180
Wk4 4 hours £180
Month 3 Wk1 4 hours £180
Wk2 4 hours £180
Wk3 4 hours £180
Wk4 10 hours £450

Total £1710

You can choose how many hours you would like in any week.  Remember that these lessons are based on a one to one ratio which means your teacher will be focussing on you, enabling you to learn English at a fast rate.


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